One thing I have learned about Alabama and the south in general is that word travels fast round here. It is true, indeed. Our six year old daughter found love in the Costco produce aisle and got “pretend married” last month. There we were in the town mash pit that is Huntsville Costco and they locked eyes from behind the grocery carts. “I had a dream about you,” he said. “I am gonna marry you one day”. And just like that, River brought the Sweet Home to our Koa in Alabama.

Someone told me once that people come into our lives for one of three options: a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I told my husband “who knows where life takes us all”, but these kids have been darlings ever since. I feel like it is human nature to look around us in wonderment and just ask ourselves, what are the chances? The beauty of fate and the moments that lead to more. River’s parents began their love story in middle school. They have 3 kids that are all some of the best people we have ever met. I mean what are the chances? Koa was a high-risk IVF baby that surprised us all. I don’t even know what the odds were for her being in this world, but whatever they were - it was all written in the stars. All the little whispers we get from the universe introduce us to our friends, lead us to our favorite places, and ultimately our most precious memories. I always look for that shimmer in life that allows you to question why, what comes next, what is the purpose. We decided to celebrate this ray of happiness in Koa’s young life in the best way we know how - with flowers, and Texas BBQ.

Alabama state botanicals by varis & koa karhu

As soon as we arrived home from Costco, Koa burrowed deep into her closet, jumped out quickly and declared that she was prepared to get married- and this was the dress. She did give me the grace as an event professional to wait until Fall Break to get married so I have found she is a pretty sensible bride from my experience in the industry. We honestly had too much fun with this. Arts and crafts are our thing so we spent the day of her wedding prepping food and sculpting the state of Alabama out of home grown and sourced botanicals. I did tell her if she was getting married at the house she would have to pick up her toys first.

EMMA & NICK | The icing on the entire story and another reason 35811 is a special zip code for our family. Middle school sweethearts, my favorite in-laws, and some of the only humans in existence that I am willing to stay up passed 9pm to hang out with. Their kiddos, Charlie, River, and lil Jensen have the most marvelous dynamic and accepted Koa as one of their own from minute one at Costco. They are the most expressive kiddos and a perfect reflection of both of their amazing parents.

Charlie girl has my heart and has to be everyone’s best friend. The strong, confident, and loyal buddy. The kind of friend that you always hope your daughter has as her person throughout her entire life. Charlie carried around a handful of white garden roses that night. I always love asking kids their favorite flower colors and varieties because you never know what you’re going to get. She was so sure, out of buckets of blooms - that was her flower, and I loved it.

The Language Of Flowers - White Roses | PURITY, LOYALTY

Oh River. The once bashful little boy that stole our baby’s heart. Funny, smart, and kind - this kid was ready to get a job to start his new adventure in life as a married man at age 5. He even ate pickles because Koa offered him one - I had no idea he didn't like pickles but wanted to impress Koa haha. Brave and wise beyond his years.

What I loved most out of the experience was that the table was set, the flowers were there, the kids just played. I half expected these images to all be blurry with how fast these kids were running around but we made it happen. I don’t know how he did it but Jensen would disappear and come back with a witches hat on out of nowhere. He was still getting to know me, but this kiddo was just like Koa at that age. You couldn’t help but smile even if they said nothing. Pure joy in a tiny body. Just a good kid and in great hands with his two older siblings. Three kiddos that won the genetic lottery in a party of five. What are the chances?