From the moment I knew I was going to be a mother, I vowed to pass down more than arthritis to our little one and began a deep dive into the rays of light from my childhood. Throwing the steam in the sauna with my grandfather. Afternoons in the Laurila summer cottage listening to polka music and learning to fish. Fire-side stories with my favorite people.
For our tiny family, home is anywhere we can live in harmony with the traditions and beliefs that make any house, any city, any adventure a magical experience for our sweet little girl. And for Koa- it all started with a bird.
The soul bird, sielulintu, is an old Finnish belief that a baby’s soul is delivered into the world through a small, wooden bird. The sielulintu travels with you in this life and protects you when you are the most vulnerable - in your sleep. Finns have always had a strong connection to nature. In Finnish folklore, hunters traveling throughout Lapland recognize the Siberian Jay, a member of the crow family, as the true soul bird that harbors the souls of the lost. The little birds sits in waiting on our night stands- because when our time on earth is through- Sielulintu will deliver our souls to the spirit realm to continue our existence in our new form.
Anya Rhoades joined us for this etherial interpretation of the sielulintu as she is the human embodiment of such a beautiful tradition in our family.
Take a walk with us…
WARDROBE: ADULT | HANDMADE/EMBROIDERED BY FILLYBOO , CHILD | Trish Scully Girls, Wool / Felt Hats | Etsy IevaDerFantasyWool PROPS: Touch of Finland
Adventures in Moomin Valley with Koa and her Soul Bird.